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Calling all Freelancers, Coaches, and Artists!

Freelancers and Coaches, this one is for you. There has been enormous growth in freelancing, coaching, and small business creation during the past decade. As a freelancer or coach, you are setting personal and professional goals and taking giant, sometimes risky steps to achieve them. We applaud you! We also want to make sure that you are protecting yourself. We are going to ramble off a list of questions that we ask our freelancing and coaching clients. These questions often illuminate places where you might be held personally liable---and we don’t want that to happen.

  • Have you created an official business to protect yourself from personal liability?

  • If you have created a business, do you know when and how to pay your taxes?

  • Do you pay self-employment taxes?

  • Are their misleading claims on your social media, website, and/or marketing materials?

  • Do you own the rights to the name of your business?

  • Do you own the rights to the products you create?

  • Are you using client contracts?

  • Are your client contracts legally enforceable?

  • Do your contracts support or harm your business interests?

  • Do you have a procedure for terminating clients?

  • Do you have a privacy policy statement? (This isn't optional friends. It's required.)

  • Do you have insurance? We aren’t talking about health insurance (although this is equally as important).

At Daly Law, LLC we know that freelancing can be tough. We know that money can be tight and that lawyers are expensive. Figuring out how to protect your business and your assets can be overwhelming. That’s why we created our personalized business packages.

Whether you are just starting out, are thriving and need extra protection, or are looking for a subscription service to help you navigate the legal system throughout the year, we have a plan that will fit your needs. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation and learn how Daly Law, LCC can help protect you and your business.


Disclaimer: The Daly Law, LLC blog is written for educational purposes. We provide general information about the law but not specific legal advice. There is no attorney-client relationship between you and Daly Law, LLC. For legal advice, please consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. Content in this blog should not be relied upon for legal research, as the law is subject to change. The Daly Law, LLC blog includes advertisements for our services.


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