Personalized Estate Planning Packages
You deserve an Estate Planning Package that meets your specific needs.
Check out our Standard Package, Complete Package, and Add-On Packages.
You can schedule a free consultation to learn more about why you need an estate plan.
You can also read more about estate planning on the Daly Law, LLC Blog.
Click here to read The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need a Will.
Our Standard Package is the perfect place to start if you are new to the estate planning process.
This package includes a Consultation, Last Will & Testament, and Letter of Instruction.
You can add healthcare documents to the standard package by selecting our Healthcare Add On Package.
This package includes a Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Organ Donation Form.
You can add end of life documents to the standard package by selecting our
End of Life Add On Package.
This package includes a Living Will, End of Life Instructions, Organ Donation Form, and a Digital Executor.
$600 Value
End of Life
Complete Package
Our Complete Package includes our Standard Package, Healthcare Add-On, End of Life Add-On, and a Revocable Living Trust.
This is the ideal package for parents of children, people who own property, and anyone looking to avoid the probate process.
$2000 FLAT FEE
Looking for more options?
Check out our transparent pricing page for more products and services!