Terms & Conditions
Last Updated: October 25th , 2021
The following Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are entered into by and between Site Visitors
(“Site Visitors”, “you”, or “your”) and Daly Law LLC (“Daly Law LLC”, “we” or “us”). These Terms
control your use of the website www.dalylegalservices.com (the “Website”) as well as any
services you receive from Daly Law LLC.
1. Definitions
Users are defined as individuals visiting the Website. Clients are defined as individuals and/or
business entities that have reviewed, signed, and dated a Daly Law LLC Client Engagement
Agreement. Daly Law LLC Client Engagement Agreements require Clients to review and accept
these Terms. By default, Clients of Daly Law LLC are also considered Users for the purpose of
these Terms.
2. Acceptance of Terms
By visiting the Website, you accept and agree to follow and be bound by these Terms (whether
on behalf of yourself as an individual or a legal entity that you represent). Users who do not
agree with these Terms are strictly prohibited from accessing the Website and any services
provided by Daly Law LLC.
3. Incorporated Documents and Sites
The Daly Law LLC Privacy Policy and Disclaimer are hereby incorporated into these Terms. By
agreeing to these Terms, you certify that you have read and agree to the Daly Law LLC Privacy
Policy and Disclaimer.
The Daly Law LLC blog, social media, and other materials, resources, information and services
you receive from Daly Law LLC are hereby incorporated into these Terms. By using any of the
services above, you acknowledge that you are bound by these Terms.
4. Age Restriction
You certify by agreeing to these Terms that you are at least 18 years of age and you are legally
able to enter into a contract. Individuals under the age of 18 or otherwise unable to legally
enter a contract are prohibited from accessing the Website and receiving services from Daly
Law LLC.
5. Jurisdiction
The terms of this agreement are to be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana. The state
and federal courts located in Valparaiso, Indiana have exclusive jurisdiction over any case or
controversy arising from this agreement and any other information or services provided by Daly
Law, LLC.
6. Assignment
The rights and obligations created under this agreement may not be assigned to any other
7. No Attorney-Client Relationship
There is no attorney-client relationship between you and Daly Law LLC and Attorney Morgan
Galloway Daly by visiting the Website, attending a Free Consultation, Discovery Call, webinar,
presentation, or other event hosted by Daly Law LLC.
An attorney-client relationship between Daly Law LLC and Attorney Morgan Galloway Daly is
only established once you have read, signed, and dated a Daly Law LLC Client Engagement
Agreement sent to you by Daly Law LLC.
8. Not Legal Advice
The Website, Daly Law social media, blog, and resources are written for information and
educational purposes only. We provide general information about the law but do not provide
legal advice. Information presented is subject to change without notice. For legal advice, please
consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.
9. Limitation of Services
While authorities in some jurisdictions may deem the Website as advertisement for legal
services in their jurisdiction, the Website is not to be considered as a solicitation for legal
services related to any state law other than the State of Indiana. The website and Daly Law LLC
only offer legal services under federal law and legal services as they relate to the State of
10. Confidentiality
Unless agreed upon in advance, inquiries and information Daly Law LLC receives will not be
regarded as confidential. However, Clients who have read, signed, and dated a Daly Law LLC
Client Engagement Agreement do hold attorney-client privilege.
11. Copyright and Intellectual Property
Daly Law LLC claims copyright protection on all of the content provided on our website, social
media, email, UpWork, Google Drive, and documents otherwise shared with and/or created for
you or your business. These documents and information may only be used for internal
purposes. Sharing or modifying any documents or information shared with you by Daly Law LLC,
even if created specifically for you or your business, without the explicit written permission of
Daly Law LLC is strictly prohibited.
Daly Law LLC understands and values the importance of intellectual property. If you believe that
any content or material on the Website infringes on copyrights you own, please contact us
immediately at admin@dalylegalservices.com.
12. User Data
You are responsible for any information and/or data you share on the Website. You authorize
Daly Law LLC to access, process, and use your data to contact you and in accordance with the
Daly Law LLC Privacy Policy.
13. Electronic Communication
You agree to receive email communications from Daly Law LLC. Daly Law LLC is not responsible
for the confidentiality of emails you receive or send. If you would prefer to communicate with
Daly Law LLC through an alternative method, please contact us before providing Daly Law LLC
with your email address.
14. No Guarantees
We cannot legally guarantee results. Past results are not indicative of future results.
15. Third-Party Sources
The Website may contain links to third party websites and resources. Daly Law LLC is not
responsible or liable for the content, availability, accuracy, or policies of third-party websites or
resources. We highly suggest you read the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use,
Terms of Service, Disclaimers, and any other relevant documents on all third-party websites and
16. Subscription Clients
Subscription Clients are required to pay every month of their subscription service. Clients who discontinue their subscription service, do not use all roll-over services, or cease communication with Daly Law LLC for a period longer than 30 days will still be required to complete payment in full. Unlike other legal services, Daly Law LLC may terminate a subscription service at any time, for any reason unless Daly Law LLC has already confirmed in writing that they will begin a specified service under the subscription. Any advanced payments made by subscription clients will be refunded in part or full, based on the services that have been used under the subscription. Quarterly strategy sessions are a free and optional service provided for subscription clients and will not be refunded.
17. Warranties
Information on the Daly Law LLC website, blog, social media, and other information sharing
outlets are provided "as is" and "as available" without a warranty of any kind. All information
may not always be current, complete, or accurate. Any implied warranty is expressly
disclaimed. Content should not be relied upon for legal research, as the law is subject to
18. Damages
Daly Law LLC is not liable to you or others for any damages of any kind arising from the use of
the Website, blog, social media, other information sharing outlines, and/or Daly Law LLC
19. Indemnification
You will defend, indemnify, and hold us, our affiliates, officers, directors, employees, suppliers,
consultants, and agents harmless from any and all third-party claims, liability, damages, and
costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees) arising from or related to, as applicable: (a)
your access to and use of the Website; (b) violation of these Terms by you or your authorized
Account user(s), as applicable; (c) infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any
person or entity by you; (d) the nature of data processed by Daly Law LLC; or (e) any products,
information, or services purchased or obtained by you in connection with Daly Law LLC.
20. Terms and Termination
These Terms are effective unless and until terminated by either you or Daly Law LLC. You may
terminate your use of the Website at any time by ceasing to further use the Website. Daly Law
LLC is also free to terminate your use of the Website, for any reason in our sole discretion,
including your breach of these Terms.
21. Severability
The sections in these Terms are included for your convenience and are not to affect the
interpretation of these Terms. If any portion of these Terms are held to be unenforceable or
contrary to law, such portions shall be construed in accordance with applicable law, to
accomplish the objectives in these Terms, to the fullest extent allowed by law. Remaining
section headings shall remain in full force and effect. In the event that one or more of the
provisions of this agreement are found unenforceable, illegal, or invalid, the other provisions of
this agreement shall not be affected.
22. Subject to Change
Daly Law LLC reserves the right to change these Terms, including our Privacy Policy and
Disclaimer. All changes are effective immediately upon notice. Notice is provided by Daly Law
LLC by posting new or updated Terms on the Website. Daly Law LLC suggests returning to these
Terms during each use of the Website to check if these Terms have changed.
23. Entire Agreement
These terms supersede any prior or contemporaneous communications, representations or
agreements between you or your business and affiliates, Morgan Galloway Daly and Daly Law
LLC. This agreement, in addition to your Client Engagement Agreement if applicable, constitutes
the complete and final agreement between you and Daly Law LLC.
24. Effective Date
These Terms are effective as of December 31st , 2020.
25. Contact
If you have questions regarding these terms, please contact us via email at
admin@dalylegalservices.com or via mail at 3906 Liberty Drive, Valparaiso, IN 46383.